Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Revising Flyers

After class on Tuesday I was excited to go home and revise my flyer's. The feedback that I received was very helpful. I was able to revise my flyer's and I think they look better now. My original though while working on my first draft was to make sure that everything was seen, even the small text so that what I did. The feedback that I received was that all three of my flyer's were covered in words. So I focused more on the hierarchy of what was important and made the adjustments. I also focused on the visual path, and made sure that the order of what needs to be seen is seen. I also test out my flyer's on my mom asked her the first five things she saw, and it worked. I think my flyer's are definitely better than the first. I'm looking forward to class tomorrow so I can receive more feedback, and hopefully continue to improve them before the final version is due

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